Parasitology Staining

We stock a wide range of high quality diagnostic stains and reagents for all pathology disciplines including easy-to-use CE marked kits with full instructions. This catalogue contains a range from our full list. If there is something you require but cannot see, including powdered stains, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you. Many of our stains and kits are available from stock for next day delivery.

Coprology Staining

Kit Copro-Duo Ankylostoma

Kit Copro-Duo contains all the necessary consumables for both MIF and Bailenger concentration methods. It makes it possible to concentrate all the existing parasitic elements in a small volume. Kit Copro-Duo is complete and ready to use. It contains all the necessary reagents and disposable utensils.

Kit MIF Color - One single technique to concentrate, stain and preserve parasitic elements. Number of tests: 50-100 slides.

Product Product Code Product Sizes
Kit Copro-Duo 2 x 12 CB362400 1 kit (2 x 12)
Kit Copro-Duo 2 x 24
CB362350 1 kit (2 x 24)
Organic Phase Ethyl Acetate Base Included in kit 1 x 200ml or 1 x 400ml
Lugol, Concentrated Solution Included in kit 1 x 3ml or 2 x 3ml
Aceto-Acetic Buffer pH 5.0 (Bailenger) Included in kit 1 x 200ml or 1 x 400ml
Spatula Included in kit 24 or 48
Individual single-use tube racks Included in kit 12 or 24
30ml Sedimentation tubes Included in kit 24 or 48
10ml Sedimentation tubes
Included in kit 24 or 48
Kit MIF-Color
CB361410 1 kit
Merthiolate-Formalin (M.F Solution)
Included in kit 2 x 125ml
Lugol Concentrated Solution
Included in kit 1 x 20ml

Fast Acting May-Grünwald Giemsa

Quick Staining in only 15 seconds. Ready to use, no dilution, wide necked bottles. Limited oxidation and evaporation risks, no transfer necessary.

Other uses of Kit RAL: 555: Cytology of urines, biological liquids, cytopunctures and CRL, cytology of fixed and paraffined tissue sections, tissue protozoa, fungi contributing to deep mycosis, veterinary parasitology, etc.

Product Product Code Product Sizes
Kit RAL 555 CB361550 1 kit (3 x 100ml) tests 100-200 slides
Kit Reagents
FIX-RAL 555 CB362870 100, 1000, 2500ml
EOSIN-RAL 555 CB320300 100, 1000, 2500ml
BLUE-RAL 555 CB330370 100, 1000, 2500ml